
by Daniella Grace in ,

 Out of all of  the places in the world, Italy has found a special place in my heart. It fuels my undying love for food and fashion and being the extremely passionate person that I am, it's safe to say that I fit in here just fine. Having lived here briefly three years ago, it felt like forever since I was last here, but the second that I stepped foot off of the plane,  I felt like I was right back at home. Come to think of it, it's because of Italy and all of the inspiration I get when I'm here, that I started my first blog to keep my family and friends at home updated on my travels. Many of you have continued to follow along over the years and I wish to thank all of you for the continued support.

This week, I'm in Florence to shoot but I decided to make an extra long trip out of this since I technically don't have to be back in the states until the premiere of my movie Sand Castles in April. My family and friends showed up a day later to surprise me and we've been running around eating, shopping, drinking cappuccinos and wine like you wouldn't believe. We're hoping to make it to Venice in the next few days,  but for now, I'm more than enjoying being back in Toscana. :) 

Jacket - Rails