Back on Track

by Daniella Grace in ,

Hey everyone! I just wanted to apologize for my absence on the blog and social media sites lately. The past few weeks have been packed with auditions and casting that have taken up allllll my time.. But I just wanted to let you know that your emails and comments have been read and I'm back on track now! With that said, Thank you all for being so understanding and patient with this schedule of mine! Love you guys! X

Photos by Mikel Roberts | @mikelrob

Shirt - Faith Connexion // Pants - Joes Jeans // Hat - Gents // Sunglasses - Ray-Ban //

Purse - Celine

Casual Tuesday

by Daniella Grace in ,

One of my favorite looks is an understated elegance. Here are two simple steps to achieve this: 1. Pull your hair back into a slick, high bun.  2. Throw on a pair of pointy toed, black heels. 

Photos by Mikel Roberts | @mikelrob

Jeans - Maje | Bra - Indah | Heels - Zara | Sunglasses - Toms |

Earrings - Long Lost Jewelry | Bag - Celine

Similar to what I'm wearing:

Bikini Series - Neoprene Love

by Daniella Grace in ,

Ladies, summer is finally here and that means it's time to break out the bikinis! I'll be featuring my top bikini picks of the season over the next few weeks, starting with this amazing neoprene one piece from Indah! This sexy little number is the perfect piece for a pool party, or if you're looking to turn heads on the beach, this one's a winner. 

Photos by Mikel Roberts | @mikelrob

Swimsuit - Indah

Handcrafted For A Cause

by Daniella Grace in ,

Emma O Clothing is a handmade, charity based clothing line in Africa. 60% of all her proceeds go to a charity in Zimbabwe to help aid in building schools for underprivileged children. Since starting her line in 2011, Emma O has already helped in building 5 new schools in Zimbabwe. Thank you Emma for my beautifully handcrafted dress and thank you for everything that you do!

You inspire me! Xo

Photos by Mikel Roberts | @mikelrob

Dress - Emma O | Hat - Lack Of Color


by Daniella Grace in , ,

I recently shot with Indah Clothing in Malibu for their new line! Here's a peak into my favorite looks from the shoot!

Photos by Mikel Roberts | @mikelrob

Shop More Of My Favorite Items From Indah:

Love Your Skin

by Daniella Grace in ,


The number one question I get asked everyday, without fail, is how are you so tan !?! And the answer to all your questions is, the SUN! I spend every single waking moment I can outside.. If I'm not running on the beach, I'm either laying on it or I'm out in the water surfing. But, let me tell you, the older I get, the more I realize how important it is to take proper care of my skin. I'm learning that you can't reverse aging naturally but you can prevent it! Some people tell me to stay out of the sun completely, but for me, that would be just too depressing. So, I've developed a skin care routine instead! Here it is: :)

Moisturize: Every morning with Kiehl's Rosa Arctica Lightweight Cream and Alba Botanica Hawaiian Cocoa Butter Lotion. Before bed, I use Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Oil. Also, I like to apply pure organic coconut oil from head to toe. That's the secret to getting that healthy looking glow! 

Protect: I love Maui Babe SPF 30 and Bare Minerals SPF 15 Powder Foundation for my face.

Scrub: Twice a week with Frank Body Scrub!

Bikini - Mary Grace Swim 

Photos by Serfoss Production

My Workout Routine - Abs

by Daniella Grace in

Ladies, today I'm sharing with you all my ab workout! Again, any questions, please feel free to leave your comments below and I'll be sure and answer them! Also, make sure you always stretch for at least 15 minutes before and after your workout and drink plenty of water! Next post will be, my personal favorite, glutes and legs! Stay tuned!

 Photos by Franck Berthuot | @frankiebees


1. Bicycle Crunches - 25-35 reps. (Strengthens core and tones thighs)

2. Leg Drops - 25 - 35 reps. (This one is great for the lower stomach!) 

3. Mountain Climbers - 25 - 35 reps. (These are great for your core\balance\legs and arms.) Start in plank position. Bring knee to elbow. Alternate. 

4. Plank - Hold 1 minute (Because you can never do enough planks) ;)

2 minute break. REPEAT 3 TIMES!

Shirt - Bluesmiths | Shorts - Lululemon | Shoes - Nike | Headphones - Frends